Letter to the
Newly Bereaved
Dear Heartbroken Friend:
An unthinkable tragedy has befallen your family. Someone you love has intentionally ended their life. You are experiencing indescribable anguish and perhaps, like most of us, struggle with unanswerable questions and confusing emotions. You may feel there is little hope that you will ever feel joy in your life again.
These feelings and so many more are normal for what has happened. Suicide compounds our grief, making it almost unbearably difficult. Many of us who have lost a loved one in this manner find great comfort and healing in being with others who have also lost a beloved family member or friend to suicide.
We invite you to attend HEARTBEAT meetings where everyone knows the meaning of a loved one’s suicide; where our loss and sorrow is shared and where we extend comfort, encouragement and practical coping techniques with one another.
The journey toward healing is long, my friend, and fraught with despair, peaks and valleys and a morass of complex feelings. I hope you will find a bit of comfort in the promise that there will be a time when you don’t hurt as badly as you do today.
You may wish to call with questions about group meetings or your grief process. The chapter directory provides contact information. Support from other sources available on www.suicidology.org and www.afsp.org. Please be comfortable making that call. You are not alone…many of us have trod this bitter road…we understand and care.
Suicide Support Group Leaders Everywhere