Comforting Words regarding God and Forgiveness
To make the last millisecond of a person’s life so supremely important is to misunderstand both the worth of our lives and the forgiveness of God. Our lives aren’t games of high -stake poker, where one final hand can wipe you out. God judges our lives in their totality. If we accept the premise that God’s nature is one of steadfast love and mercy,
then we must say with Barth:
"If there is forgiveness of sins at all, there is surely forgiveness for suicide.”
John Hewitt; After Suicide
“When I behold any soul in agony, who had thought of Me of me with pleasure, or had performed any works deserving of reward, I appear to that soul at the moment of death, with a countenance so full of love and mercy, that the soul repents from its inmost depths for having offended Me, and that soul is saved by this repentance.”
St. Gertrude: Legatus Divinae Pietatis
God didn’t call your loved one home but he welcomed them with open arms.
To a suicide bereaved mother from Ruth Bell Graham